Ooey Gooey Stuffed Witches Hats

When we go camping in the warmer months I’m always trying to find things that I can wrap in aluminum foil to put at the edge of the campfire. The campfire will heat what ever it is nicely and we always have something to snack on or eat.
I often take ice cream cones and fill them with the makings for s’mores. Since it’s Halloween I’m going to omit the graham crackers and add banana pieces to make it feel like a healthier version (y’all are buying that “healthy” thing, right?). I’m also using sugar cones to mock a pointy witches hat.

Here is how Miss Maddy and I made these crock pot stuffed witches hats:

  • sugar cones
  • marshmallows (mini or do like I did and cut big ones into smaller pieces)
  • banana, cut into slices then each slice cut into pieces
  • chocolate chips
  • aluminum foil

Start by putting a marshmallow in the bottom of a cone. Then add a piece of banana and about two or three chocolate chips. Layer like this until the cone is filled.
Now take a piece of aluminum foil and center it over the top of the filled cone. Gently wrap it down the sides of the cone until the entire cone is covered.

Take a piece of the alumninum foil and ball it up. Place it along the edge of the inside of the crock pot. You are going to use this to prop the very first wrapped cone on.

Now prop the remaining wrapped and filled cones on the first one, making a circle around the edge of the crock pot and making sure they are all kind of standing up, not lying down.
Turn the crock to low and cook for 2 – 3 hours. You are just heating them long enough to melt the marshmallows and chocolate chips.

Once they’re done carefully unwrap them and everyone has their very own ooey gooey stuffed witches hat to munch on.
Miss Maddy loved these. She had fun from beginning to end.
Making them, watching them cook (which resembled watching water trying to boil) and then of course eating them. She was totally digging the name of these snacks too because she’s going to be a witch for Halloween this year :o)

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