Ginger has an unnatural infatuation with the crock pot, and is not ashamed of it. She’s cooked many a meal in the good old crock pot and just kind of figured that a lot of people had.
After getting many requests over the past 10 years for crock pot recipes that she took to family gatherings, reunions and cookouts Ginger decided to start a blog for friends and family to exchange crock pot recipes in August of 2010. After all, who doesn’t love a new crock pot recipe?!
[stextbox id=”info”]Once she started the blog she never imagined it would grow to have so many followers and contributors.[/stextbox]
She continues to come up with new recipes and uses for the crock pot, but realizes it’s because of all of you that it has been so successful.
Ginger always strives to make sure that each recipe submitted is given proper credit and looks forward to seeing what everyone else is cROCKin’! She also looks forward to hearing from everyone and trying out all of the wonderful recipes.
Happy crock potting!